HFOOAD Chapter 3 – Embrace Change

I love you, You´re Perfect… Now change

This phrase is the beginning of the chapter because as anything develops we always want more of it, some things we didn´t even knew we wanted. As the software develops or even when it is finished some of its requirements may change, and there are many reason for this, one can be that simply the customer needs something they didnt need before, or maybe they needed it before they just didn´t know,sometimes its just not quite good enough anymore.

Anytime this happens, requirements are modified or added we need to make the whole process again to make sure the new requirements dont mess up the old ones and that we can actually do it and work in a smooth way. And always remembering the customer is always rigth.

In software the only thing that is a constant, is change, software will almost never be finished nor at the first try nor at the first version, and you have to be careful and define in the best way to determine the use cases when you modify your proyect cause that is how you are gonna test and prove your proyect is well done and does exactly what it needs to do they way it needs to do it.



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